Peter’s Personal Coaching training is one-on-one intensive sales training. Learn More >>
The Sales Training programs from Peter Stamp Consulting are the foundation for a successful sales initiative. Learn More >>
Peter offers personal insight, gained over his 40 year career in sales and management, into both front-line and upper management roles. Whether providing personal career guidance or group training for teams, Peter’s Sales Training programs address a range of issues. Each program is customised to meet the unique needs of each client and is built on a solid foundation of the following Core Principles:
Ethics and Integrity – without these, everything else is moot
Creativity – the idea that some people are inherently creative and some aren’t is simply wrong; everyone can be creative
Networking & Relationship Selling – developing and maintaining relationships is key to success
Embracing Change – change is inevitable and success is determined by how we manage and adapt to change
Remaining Current – methods and techniques change over time; adapt or be irrelevant